Get Your Device for Android

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Create a simple Android Counter Clicker App

Hello my friends! Today I will show you how to create a simple counter clicker app for android. The counter clicker is use for count the number of something such as people in concert, cars on the road, etc. This app is easy to create and you can improve your better user interface by yourself. Then, here we go!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Create Your Beyond First Android App (Part 2)

Hello again! Welcome to part 2 of this tutorial. Now, we will learn about Connecting UI control, Intent, Thread, and MediaPlayer

1. Connect UI to Code

If you want to take control with your Button, TextView, EditText, etc. You can use this instantiate:

Object UI name = (Object UI)findViewById(resource);


Button myButton = (Button)findViewById(;

The example means that when you want to connect an UI component. You must create an Object to connect with your UI base on your component type. From the example: I want to connect button1 to code. So, I create a Button object named myButton that refers to the button1.

Create Your Beyond First Android App (Part 1)

This is my first article about android application development. When you read the phrase "Your first app", you'll say anything in your mind like "I think this must be "Hello World!!" for sure". Don't worry about this. The Hello World was boring me too! So, I'll let get start with a beyond Hello World app. (but it's still Hello Word lol)
In this project we will create an app that contain a Button and a TextView. When you click on the button it'll change to another screen that have a "Hello My Friend!!" text and play some sound. Interesting?